What Is Dowsing?

The Art of Dowsing, also called ‘divining’ or ‘radiesthesia’ is a means of obtaining information which is almost as old as humanity.

It is most commonly known in modern times as a method of finding underground water using a forked stick or L shaped rods.  However this ancient art has been practised since time immemorial and has been depicted in Neolithic cave paintings and in Pyramids.  An early Chinese Emperor was known to have dowsed and the Romans and Greeks were very well versed in the skill and its use was even recorded in the Old Testament.

During the Middle Ages dowsing was very much a hush-hush affair with its association with the unknown and the occult, and was confined to individual country practitioners, many of whom ran the risk of persecution for witchcraft.  But by the 15th century, German dowsers were locating deposits of tin in Cornwall, England, and subsequently dowsing came to be very much in vogue for finding minerals and water.  Dowsing for minerals is still extensively used today with Geo-tech companies using dowsers, in addition to scientific instruments, to detect water, gas and oil.  Dowsers are also called into archaeological sites to find hidden structures.

Dowsing can be used in any situation where there is a genuine need to know information outside our own normal abilities.  It is primarily a means of accessing our inner guidance and is the amplification of our body’s own natural electro-magnetic sensitivity.

The art of dowsing uses Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta brain waves simultaneously and is a method of tapping into our intuition, subconscious mind or global consciousness.  It integrates the left and right brain to access an ability greater than the sum of the parts.  The left logical brain focuses on the pendulum and the right brain connects to the ‘all knowing’ Universe / Quantum Field as the question is asked. Dowsing is intended to be used for truth and the highest good, NOT to impress or for power or riches. It enables us to receive an answer, via the dowsing tool, to a clearly defined question.

– Finding water, minerals, earth energy/radiation lines, lost possessions or people.
– Discovering suitable foods or healing modalities for yourself.
– Asking for gardening guidance.
– Finding answers to life questions regarding family or work…. and much more.

I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as a type of superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.
– Albert Einstein

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