The Pendulum – Dowsing Tool

The most finely tuned dowsing instrument is the human body. It receives and tunes into information from our higher intelligence, the group consciousness and quantum field where all knowledge is available.

Pendulums amplify the body’s intrinsic response to a question, acting as a focus for the neuro-muscular responses in the human body.  The pendulum itself is only a tool, and dowsers believe they are contacting their Higher Mind or Higher Self, which is part of the Universal Consciousness and therefore has access to all information.

The pendulum’s response will vary with each individual.  Usually the response will take the form of a back and forth or a circular movement, and once some simple questions are asked, it will be apparent to the beginner what constitutes a ‘yes’ and ‘no.’

Before dowsing it is necessary to be well hydrated, detached from the outcome and relaxed.  The technique of dowsing requires focused attention and the formulation of clear and specific questions.