L Rods – Dowsing Tool

L-rods or angle rods are L shaped rods usually made of wire.  Their length may vary depending on the user’s need.  The L-rods are held loosely in the hands where they can swing freely in response to energy lines encountered.

In 1920, the publication of Alfred Watkins’ book The Old Straight Track, coined the term “Ley lines” because he discovered that a great many towns and sacred sites in Britain were linked by straight lines which went through towns whose names ended in “ley” or “leigh”.   This term is not always used by dowsers who prefer the term “energy lines”.  Energy lines criss-cross the Earth’s surface in the same way as acupuncture meridians cross the body.  They may be positive, negative or neutral and very often connect sacred sites and places of power.

When the dowser asks to be shown an energy line and walks in a pre-determined direction, the L-rods will swing round when the dowser reaches the line.  This practice is particularly useful for determining energy lines that may be passing through a house and affecting the occupants, or ideally for finding the energy lines on a site before one is built.

Dowsers can also ask the L-rods to point in the direction of something they are looking for, or find something, such as a sacred site. L-rods can be also used for finding water or objects buried in the ground and cross when the object has been reached.