Guest Speaker: Ronan Kelly – The Power of Peace
The World Peace Solution is a presentation about where we are now in humanity’s evolution and the choices we all face as a species. When I first saw this presentation I was amazed by the scientifically backed studies on mass meditation/prayer when people come together with a single intention to do good in the world. The way this presentation is put together by Nicholas Giannasi, is life changing, easy to understand and simple to experience. He and his family have been travelling around Australia spreading this message of Peace.
I’m honoured to share this presentation with you. I’ve been on the journey of self exploration for 18 years. From breath work, different shamanic practices, meditation and more. I believe we are at the birthplace of a new age in humanity’s evolution. And the chaos around the world may be an opportunity for unity within the human race. The time of divide and conquer is drawing to an end. A time of unity is upon us. Together we have the power to heal the world.
Costs: To attend our monthly meetings it’s just $5 for members and $10 for non-members.