Guest Speaker: Virginie Dulac – Healing Mind & Body with Fascial Release
Bowen Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy work on the fascia which surrounds and supports every structure in the body, a virtual highway of information. The body and mind have stories, and keep the score of past traumas in tissues, organs and other parts of the body. The subconscious mind keeps reminding one about those events until one has the time, the support and the resources to deal with it.
Virginie’s treatments involve gentle but purposeful moves, delivering signals to the nervous and meridian system, which in turn help the body to reconnect with its own healing abilities. This supports the body & mind to heal, manage pain, relax, rebalance, regain vitality and clarity thereby bringing greater physical and emotional freedom.
The gentle touch used during a session signals the body and mind that “IT IS OVER NOW” and that “I AM SAFE”. From that space, the potential is unlimited.
Virginie is a qualified practitioner of Bowen Therapy, Upledger Craniosacral Therapy and Scar Tissue Release and lives in Woodford.
Costs: To attend our monthly meetings it’s just $5 for members and $10 for non-members.