
Roman Dubinchak still gets excited when he finds water.

“Every day when you strike water it’s a great feeling because you know you’re changing someone’s life to a degree, giving them a resource that they can fall back on for the rest of their life,” he said.

Mr Dubinchak owns a drilling company in Townsville, north Queensland, and offers water divining, a practice dating to the 1500s, as a service to his rural clients.

The Camino de Santiago, is the ancient Catholic pilgrimage route to the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, in north-western Spain. Legend has it that the bones of the apostle St James were brought by boat from Jerusalem to northern Spain, and are buried under the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

“Bees are smarter than people,” says New Zealand professional beekeeper and dowser, Kerry F McCurdy, “bees know about survival, so listen to them.”

There’s no doubt that studying dowsing gives us a very wide vocabulary and the tools useful in apprehending the fields of energy which permeate the cosmos.

The following is exerpted from two articles that were previously published in the “Dowser’s Digest,” the journal of the Holistic Intuition Society in Canada.

Probably no individual has collected more information about Electro
Magnetic Fields (EMF), or done more to sound the alarm about the dangers they pose, than Louis Slesin, editor of a newsletter called Microwave News ( Here is his ranking of the worst hazards, and some advice.

A recent call for papers on Archaeological Dowsing by the British Society of Dowsers’ Earth Energies Group gave me food for thought.

As with numerous other dowsing stories, there is not always a straight line between an initial contact and the end result. Often we search for an expert outside our own locality, only to find we had a reliable dowser in our own backyard. The following story is an example of this.